How to derive fully condition distribution in Gibbs sampling?

How to derive fully condition distribution in Gibbs sampling?

分类: 概率论

Fully condition distribution in Gibbs sampling

在gibbs sampling中,要求写出每一个变量的fully condition分布。然而,如果参数很多,这个fully condition分布会复杂的无从下手,是否有办法对其化简呢?


本文主要参考PRML第8、11章以及Gibbs sampling的维基百科词条,再加上一点个人理解。


1.确定所有的变量和参数,写出fully condition分布的表达式(假设我们一共有n个变量和参数,当前我们正打算对Xj进行采样)

\[p\left(x_{j} \mid x_{1}, \ldots, x_{j-1}, x_{j+1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right)\]

2.画出概率图(PGM),并根据markov blanket原则简化fully condition分布

from PRML: The practical applicability of Gibbs sampling depends on the ease with which samples can be drawn from the conditional distributions p(zk|z\k). In the case of probability distributions specified using graphical models, the conditional distributions for individual nodes depend only on the variables in the corresponding Markov blankets.

gibbs sampling中,为了完成某一个变量的抽样(或者说为了写出fully condition分布),需要借助哪些其他的变量是由markov blanket的集合决定的。 简单的总结:对于一个节点来说,其markov blanket集合就是children + parents + other parents of children.

为了演示起见,不妨假设X1/X2/X3就是Xj的markov blanket. 那么,fully condition分布可以简化为:

\[p\left(x_{j} \mid x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right) \\\]

3.将fully condition分布分解为正比于joint distribution的形式(利用条件概率公式):

\[p\left(x_{j} \mid x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right) \\ =\frac{p\left(x_{j},x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right)}{p\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right)} \\ \propto p\left(x_{j},x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right)\]


from Wikipedia:

“Proportional to” in this case means that the denominator is not a function of Xj and thus is the same for all values of Xj; it forms part of the normalization constant for the distribution over Xj

4.根据PGM中markov blanket集合内变量之间的关系,将联合分布简化




\[p\left(x_{j},x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right)\\ = p\left(x_{3}\right) * p\left(x_{2}\right) * p\left(x_{1}|x_{2},x_{3}\right) * p\left(x_{j}|x_{1}\right) \\ \propto p\left(x_{j}|x_{1}\right)\]


from Wikipedia:

In practice, to determine the nature of the conditional distribution of a factor Xj, it is easiest to factor the joint distribution according to the individual conditional distributions defined by the graphical model over the variables, ignore all factors that are not functions of Xj (all of which, together with the denominator above, constitute the normalization constant), and then reinstate the normalization constant at the end, as necessary.



\[p\left(x_{j} \mid x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right) \propto p\left(x_{j}|x_{1}\right)\]


\[p\left(x_{j} =1|x_{1}\right)\\ p\left(x_{j}=2|x_{1}\right) \\ ...\\ p\left(x_{j}=K|x_{1}\right) \\ p\left(x_{j}=i \mid x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\right) = \frac{p\left(x_{j} =i|x_{1}\right)} {\sum_{k=1}^{K} p\left(x_{j} =i|x_{1}\right)}\]

如果Xj是连续型随机变量(通常是指数族分布),我们可以根据其kernel判断是哪个分布,并基于该分布进行抽样。(通常,如果 如果Xj是连续型随机变量,其化简后的fully condition分布都会是先验分布的共轭后验)

from Wikipedia:

  1. If the distribution is discrete, the individual probabilities of all possible values of Xj are computed, and then summed to find the normalization constant.
  2. If the distribution is continuous and of a known form, the normalization constant will also be known.
  3. In other cases, the normalization constant can usually be ignored, as most sampling methods do not require it.


1.PRML chapter8,11



上一篇: 聊一聊Conditional independence
下一篇: 荐课:Bayesian Mixture Models